发布日期:2019-09-07 浏览次数:1220
今年早些时候,公司成功获得了OEKO-TEX®STANDARD 100认证。该认证是根据欧盟REACH法规(附录十七)中规定的质量标准和美国CPSIA规定的儿童产品总铅含量限制给予的,这两个公司的产品都达到了要求。该认证是公司产品的生产质量不断提高的有力证明。
Earlier this year, the Company successfully acquired the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certification. The certification was given based on quality standards stated in EU REACH Regulation - appendix XVII, and the limit on total lead content in children’s products stated in USA’s CPSIA — both the Company’s products had achieved. The certification is a sounding proof of the Company’s rising quality of production.